Bunny Brunel, Fusion Giant: The February 2020 Cover

By: Editor, Raul Amador, Feb 1, 2020

An interview with Bunny Brunel…

Let me tell you about Bunny Brunel… there are only a handful of bass players that have achieved truly legendary status in the modern bass community. These are the individuals that push the limits of what our instrument can do and find new ways to play that leave the rest of us in awe. Bunny is on that very short list of top, world-class bass players.

Grammy-nominated musician, educator, instrument designer, composer and occasionally chef, Bunny recounts his journey starting with his beginnings in Nice. Discover the amazing people he has performed with along the way and his vast contributions to Jazz Fusion.

Join me for this in-depth conversation with this talented musician and overall very cool cat; meet Bunny Brunel…

To watch the interview: (Original Source:  https://bassmusicianmagazine.com/2020/02/bunny-brunel-fusion-giant-february-2020-issue/