Agenda Publisher Kaylene Peoples Guest on GetPublished! Radio Show March 12, 2017

Get Published! radio show | March 12, 2017

GetPublished! radio show hosts

First segment, we interview Georja Umano of Splash Magazines Worldwide, who writes reviews for opera, theater, and travel, as well as coverage of charities and events dealing with animal welfare. #getpubradio #trypod

GetPublished! second segment [start – 00:09:49], Kaylene Peoples, publisher of Agenda Magazine, tells us about her coverage of fashion, culture, and trends.

And, as ever, there’s lots of advice on how to get published, including the support resources at our website

This episode aired on Hella Radio, KNNN-FM 87.7 Redding, Calif. on Sunday, March 12, 2017 at Noon Pacific.

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