Bunny Brunel has saturated the internet with a career spanning 30 years, playing with Chick Corea, Tony Williams, Herbie Hancock, Stanley Clarke, Frank Gambale, Tom Brechtlein, Chad Wackerman, Tony MacAlpine, Billy Sheehan, Virgil Donati . . . not to mention A-list recording artists Natalie Cole, Al Jarreau, Gayle Moran, Gloria Estefan, and Tania Maria.  We thought we’d tease you with a few videos we found interesting online.  But don’t stop here, there are days and days worth of viewing Bunny Brunel live in concert, interviewing, and giving bass instruction or just demonstrating Bunny’s electric upright bass (BBEUB).  Visit www.bunnybrunel.com/bunny/media-gallery/videogallery.html to watch more videos.

1. 39th Grammy Awards w/ Natalie Cole, Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, and Jack De Johnette – A Tribute to Ella Fitzgerald

2. Tony Williams in Concert with Bunny Brunel


3.  Bunny Brunel, Chick Corea, Tom Brechtlein, Gayle Moran, Gary Burdine, Al Jarreau

4. Bunny Brunel and Stanley Clarke on The Bunny Brunel Electric Upright Bass (BBEUB)

5. Sandeep Chowta Presents Bunny Brunel and Frank Gambale

6. Al Di Meola and Bunny Brunel Jamming “Spain” 1996

7. Bunny Brunel CAB Promo 2017 (W/ Virgil Donati, Chad Wackerman, Julian Coryell, Kaylene Peoples, & Mitch Forman)

8. Bunny Brunel “Invent Your Future” Music Video (2015) Featuring performances by: Bunny Brunel (BB Fretless Bass and Keyboards); Doug Webb (Saxes); Christian Moraga (Percussion); and Clayton Cameron (Drums).