Women at Warp Episode S14: Chatting with Chase


Sue recently had the pleasure of chatting with Deep Space Nine’s Chase Masterson. We talk about the 25th Anniversary of DS9, and the impact that the characters and the show have had, as well as the recent Star Trek Online expansion, Victory in Life, in which Chase returns to the role of Leeta. And then we go on to talk about Chase’s charity work and her organization, the Pop Culture Hero Coalition, and what we can all do to end bullying. As well as bullying in general, and within fan culture. This also ties into our next full episode of Women at Warp, in which the crew will be taking a look at toxic fan culture, and what can be done about it.

Content Warning: We discuss specific incidents of bullying and harassment.

Original Source: https://www.womenatwarp.com/episode-s14-chatting-with-chase/ 

INTERVIEW: Chase Masterson Revisits ‘Leeta’ in Newest STAR TREK ONLINE Expansion, “Victory is Life”


By Trekor.com

Back in March, we reported that Star Trek Online was getting a runabouts’-worth of Deep Space Ninecast members back for their 25th Anniversary “Victory is Life” game expansion which debuts next month — and this week we had the opportunity to chat with Trek actress Chase Masterson, who returns to Federation space to reclaim the role of Leeta.

In our conversation, we explore what one-time barmaid — and now wife of Grand Nagus Rom — is up to in the nearly two decades since Star Trek: Deep Space Nine concluded its on-screen adventure, as well as touch on several other topics close to the actor’s heart. (Read more…)

Original Source: https://trekcore.com/blog/2018/05/interview-chase-masterson-returns-in-star-trek-online/

108 Rock Stars Presents: Bunny Brunel NAMM 2018

For all you loving our NAMM Interview series, we’re excited to share our next installment! This time, Lisa S. Johnson and Lonn Friend are chatting with Bunny Brunel, an iconic bass guitarist who has played with some of jazz’s greatest. He talks about what it’s like to build your own bass, and the powerful connection that brings to you and your instrument. (This interview took place During NAMM 2018 in January, Youtube video posted May 17, 2018.



Talking Up Music Education is a podcast from The NAMM Foundation that shares news and stories about music education. Episode 45 includes an interview with bass guitarist Bunny Brunel. The podcast was one of many recorded and broadcast live from The 2018 NAMM Show; other interviews include Hunter Hayes, OK Go, Vanessa Carlton and more.

“Just keep practicing and focusing on what you want to achieve,” said Brunel. “Do not listen to anybody. It’s your life. If you listen to somebody else…it’s not going to happen.”

Brunel’s musical journey was anything but a straight line to playing alongside jazz legends Chick Correa, Herbie Hancock, and Wayne Shorter. In this episode the two-time Grammy-nominated bass player shared his journey from teaching himself to play piano as a child in France, to attending École Hoteliere de Nice for hospitality, and to becoming an advanced student of the upright bass at the Conservatory in Nice.


Original Source:

Arcgames.com Interviews Chase Masterson

Star Trek Online, the free-to-play online role-playing game based in the iconic Star Trek universe, is thrilled to reunite twelve of the original cast members from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine for the new PC expansion, Victory is Life. Joining the crew aboard the infamous space station is Chase Masterson, who is reprising the role of Leeta, former Bajoran Dabo girl and wife to Ferenginar’s Grand Nagus, Rom. The Star Trek Online team had a chance to sit down with Chase after her recording session at Cryptic Studios to talk about her return to the game (Captains may remember as Mirror Universe Leeta in Season 11: New Dawn) and the incredible work she’s been doing with her anti-bullying organization, Pop Culture Hero Coalition.

STO: Welcome back to Star Trek Online, Chase! Thank you for joining us. What is it like returning to the character of Leeta to see how she’s grown?

Chase Masterson: I really value the opportunity to do this. Part of the reason why is that I get to show a really more mature Leeta. I get to walk in the shoes of a woman who has been in charge of an entire empire with Rom, for nearly 20 years now. She’s someone who has definitely grown and come into her own. That was something I felt like I really wanted to do for a long time now. We saw quite a lot of that on the show, but here we see a Leeta who has grown into her own shoes.  She’s become an intelligent woman, a strategic thinker who is still very much adoring of her husband, but is able to walk beside him in a way that is extremely valuable.

STO: One of the interesting things about the character of Leeta is that she started off as more of a comic relief and then grew over the course of Deep Space Nine. What was it like playing a role like that?

CM: It was really interesting because a lot of people did see Leeta as eye candy. I’m grateful to say that she was in all the sweeps week episodes in that cat suit, and I think that was certainly one of the reasons why. But you have to credit our amazing writing team under the direction of Ira Behr for her growth and René Echevarria, who created Leeta; she was never just a Dabo girl, she was never just eye candy and they always had more of a vision for her than that. They had a vision of a woman who was very compassionate and knew how to stand up for justice.

Read more at Original Source:


By massivelyop.com

With a dozen members of the all-star cast of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine returning to reprise their roles for this June’s Star Trek Online: Victory is Life, one actress has the advantage over the others. Chase Masterson is back for at least her third stint in the MMO, having played fan favorite Leeta in past updates (including as a hologram and as a Mirror Universe villain).

With the heavy Deep Space Nine focus on the game’s third expansion, it’s good to see the reunion of a cast from a show that’s now 25(!) years old. Masterson has since gone on to act in many TV shows and movies, perform as a jazz singer, and found an anti-bullying organization called Pop Culture Hero that uses film, comics, and TV to take a stand against bullying in schools and communities.

We sat down with Masterson to talk about reprising the role of Leeta, the continuation of Deep Space Nine, the benefits of maturity, and how we all can be heroes. (Read More…)

Original Source: https://massivelyop.com/2018/04/20/we-all-can-be-heroes-an-interview-with-star-trek-onlines-chase-masterson/

BASS MUSICIAN: Bunny Brunel LTD BB-1004 Signature 4-String Bass Review

If I had to choose one word for the Bunny Brunel LTD BB-1004 Signature 4-String it would be – beautiful! – Beautiful in looks, tone, and playability.

The LTD BB-1004 is Bass 2.0, having ‘everything you need for anything and everything’ bass!

Let’s start off with Bunny Brunel himself.

Bunny has played with numerous Jazz greats such as Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Stevie Wonder, and many others.

The Bunny Brunel LTD BB-1004 Signature is a true workhorse of a bass and was designed with working bassists in mind.

The tone is clean, punchy, and defined. Playability is second to none. The 34” three-piece maple asymmetrical neck with the neck thru configuration is sleek and fast, not too thin, just right and made complete with a 24 fret Ebony fingerboard. The tone is a combination of the alder body with a quilted maple top, along with Aguilar passive pickups and the Aguilar OBP-3EQ 3 band EQ. The bridge pickup is the Aguilar 4J HC and the neck pickup is the Aguilar MM.

 Original Source:

Chase Masterson Representing at Vienna Comic Con 2017

Chase Masterson is known for her iconic role in Star Trek Deep Space 9 as sexy Leeta. She was the voice of Vienna Salavatori in Doctor Who and has starred in her own (Doctor Who Spinoff) series Vienna, appeared in countless other films and television shows, and even produced and starred in her own film, titled Yesterday Was a Lie.

Masterson heads a charity called The Pop Culture Hero Coalition, and has been the champion to youth who are systemically bullied; this has become an epidemic and Chase Masterson, Carrie Goldman, and the United Nations, along with their tireless volunteers have made their voices clear: Stop the bullying now! There’s more . . . Chase Masterson is the first woman in history to host the biggest Trek Con in Europe, Fed Con!  Her dossier just keeps growing.  She also was featured in Agenda magazine’s first historical, monthly print issue, October 2017, not just talking about her iconic and longstanding career, but in the second half of her interview with Agenda‘s editor-in-chief Kaylene Peoples, she discusses the mission of The Pop Culture Hero Coalition.  Now . . . we are proud to say, that Miss Masterson is now representing Start Trek and the coalition once again, this time in Vienna!

Check out the Program at the (VIECC 2017) Vienna Comic Conhttp://www.viecc.com/de/programm/?kw=Chasex$sp$xMasterson&startRecord=1#



AGENDA October 2017 and Marc Mennigmann – The Hands Project

Marc Mennigmann | hands-project.de | November 10, 2017

Online Mention:

“When I was at the Warwick Bass Camp 2016 I met Kaylene Peoples, a recording artist and Editor in Chief of Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine AGENDA. We did a nice interview which was released in the first monthly print issue of the Magazine, October 2017. Here is the complete interview.”  Marc Mennigmann, The Hands Project


From the magazine:


Interviewed by Kaylene Peoples | Responses by Marc Mennigmann

Photographer Marc Mennigmann from Isalon, Germany, documents in the rare medium of black and white film. He uses a Leica Mononchrom, which is not only a complex camera, but is known for its rich optics that cater to alternative mediums in photography. Mennigmann chooses to spend his time capturing his subjects in their rawest form, bringing out their essence and exposing a vintage grittiness only seen in rare instances today with the explosion of digital color photography. A purist in the deepest sense, he has started a project called HANDS. Marc has spent hours photographing the hands of famous musicians around the world, and the simplicity of a black and white photograph does his subjects the most justice.

(This article includes the hands of Bunny Brunel)

Please read more from the original source: http://hands-project.de/2017/11/10/hands-featured-agenda-fashion-lifestyle-magazine/

AGENDA Magazine Available Now in Print!

Agenda magazine is pleased to announce a much-awaited new print magazine! First, the Special Edition annuals, then the Fitness Couture Collector’s Issue . . . all Agenda magazine.  We have downsized from 232 pages to a 114-page monthly glossy, published through KL Publishing Group, and presented to you this October just in time for Halloween.

Agenda October 2017, is the first monthly print issue from agendamag.com. It is a fashion and lifestyle series, spotlighting designers, runway, editorials, and fashion discussion with the focus on global fashion. Featured in this glossy magazine are designers and fashion runway from Sydney, Moscow, Paris, and Berlin.

Original Source: http://www.agendamag.com/agendas-first-monthly-issue-available/